David Green
Born and raised in Idaho David started shooting with his family at a young age. "I grew up around guns, I was taught how to shoot from my Dad an older brothers, we went out plinking often. As I got into high school my friends and I would take our guns out to the hills and shoot, it usually ended up in a friendly competition. Now I take my own children out shooting and they love every part of it. I also enjoy taking friends of all ages shooting especially youth, it is fun to watch their expressions as they take aim and hit the target."
David currently holds the following qualifications:
- NRA Range Safety Officer
- NRA Personal Protection in the Home
- NRA Basic Pistol
- NRA Basic Rifle
- NRA Basic Shotgun
Mike Smith
A native of Arizona, Mike learned to shoot from his mother who grew up on a Dairy farm shooting with her brothers. Often shooting competitions were a family activity and Mike was quickly taught the values of gun ownership and instilled with a deep and abiding respect for firearm safety and awareness. "Plus it's fun."
Mike currently holds the following qualifications:
- NRA Chief Range Safety Officer
- NRA Basic Pistol
- NRA Basic Rifle
- NRA Basic Shotgun
- NRA Personal Protection in the Home
- NRA Personal Protection outside the Home
- Member Front Sight Firearms Training Institute